Pure nature, lonely peaks, testing out new equipment or a fun evening in a mountain hut – there are many reasons why you are drawn to the mountains. And as varied as they are, so too are the types of hikers you will encounter along the way. Here we have summarized the most common types without claiming to be exhaustive.

Mountain hipster

Staging is everything. True to this motto, the selfie-taking hipster hiker may miss half the tour, but they have the most unbeatable photos and collect tons of likes on Instagram & Co. After all, the poses are carefully rehearsed, the outfit is less about the weather, but perfectly color-coordinated. In search of spectacular backdrops, he forgets his fear of heights. Instead of hiking poles, he has a selfie stick strapped to his backpack. The selfie guy can often be found near flying foxes, ziplines and other attractions.

Hiker typology - Always up for a photo - The mountain hipster.
Always available for photos – the mountain hipster. After all, you’re on the hunt for likes 😉

High-tech fan

Without a smartwatch with satellite reception and a constant connection to their smartphone, including automatic upload of GPS tracks, today’s high-tech hikers don’t set off. Equipped with an ultra-light backpack and wrapped from head to toe in breathable functional clothing, they collect all kinds of data on their heart rate, altitude profile and air pressure. He is the early adopter among hikers and is always enthusiastic about technical gadgets and the latest materials.

Hiker typology - Always equipped with the latest technology when hiking - the high-tech fan.
The high-tech fan is always equipped with the latest technology when hiking. Whether it’s a smartwatch or GPS tracker.

Speed junkie

Fast, enduring, frugal and as sure-footed as a mountain goat – that’s how the trail runner genus scurries along. The ultra-lightweight hydration pack does not simply dispense water, but a liquid Super Drink Gel with extra caffeine. The two additional drinking bottles are always ready to hand in the carrying belt, just like in the Wild West, and the tight compression running shorts give a hint of the well-trained muscles.

Typology of hiker: The trail runner - With an ultra-light hydration pack, you can go uphill quickly.
If uphill, then fast. The trail runner – usually equipped with an ultralight hydration pack or a hydration belt.

Nature connoisseurs

The nature connoisseurs stare in amazement at the trail runners in the distance. For them, it is completely incomprehensible why you are running up and down a mountain at a monkey’s pace. Hikers with a knowledge of nature recognize every plant along the way and know the geological history of the respective mountain group. They prefer to be out and about in a group of like-minded people and talk shop about botany, rare animal species and weather phenomena.

Family hiker

You can often meet the mountaineering family at the gondola early in the morning, as the kids have been keeping the family on their toes since five in the morning. Well-equipped with a brand new children’s backpack, an extra-large hiking backpack for squashed sandwiches and several changes of underwear – in case the offspring either fall into the stream or spill apple spritzer over their heads – they set off for the next hut without being overheard. After lunch at eleven o’clock in the morning (you’ve already been awake for six hours), the parents can be seen happily enjoying the mountain panorama from the hut’s sun terrace while their children romp around the playground.

Welcome hikers - the family hikers.
The family hikers usually have a bamboo party. After all, the little ones are on a discovery tour 🙂


The individualist is definitely a sociable type, but he dreads crowds in the mountains. He therefore prefers to find his own way in the mountains. He leaves the well-trodden hiking trail as quickly as possible and aims for a lonely summit. Equipped with functional but tried-and-tested hiking clothing with a retro look, he always takes the most difficult route and impresses everyone in the hut in the evening with lots of mountain gossip and funny anecdotes.

At the end of the day, despite all their differences, the different hiking types have one thing in common – in the evening they fall into bed exhausted but satisfied and look forward to the next mountain tour. Only the mountain hipster needs a little longer to fall asleep – he’s just checking his Instagram stream. By the way, if you’re looking for a beautiful hut tour, get inspired by our blog post Hut tours in the Alps.