On your next hiking tour there will be children joining? Naturally the little ones want to take their own backpack with them. In that case you should take some time for packing since the kids will be on the way the whole day through and mustn’t be overexerted.
In general the backpack should be well padded so that it adjusts pleasantly to the back. For a proper fit and to avoid a shifting of the shoulder straps it is important to fasten the chest belt. And if the backpack is equipped with a waist strap, it should be fitted as well. You will certainly hit pay dirt within the Tatonka equipment for children. Suitable backpacks are introduced, depending on age and height and they come in lots of different colors.
Rain and sun protection
Rain and sun protection are absolutely necessary to make sure that the youngsters are equipped for all kinds of weather. Preferably you should also pack extra clothes and spare socks in case the children get wet. So they can quickly change into dry apparels which prevents them from becoming hypothermic or getting sick.

Drinking bottle and snacks
In every case it is important to pack a drinking bottle – children have an increased fluid requirement when they exert themselves. Furthermore you can take along something to eat, maybe something you prepared by yourself before trip. Having a common break you can all brace yourselves for new adventures. It also couldn’t hurt to take along some energy bars or some fruits for in between times.
Good to know: Hiking backpack adjustment – Tatonka backs you up: Here is how you best adust your hiking backpack
Take care of the weight
Care has to be taken that the kid’s backpack including its content does not weigh more than ten percent of the child’s bodyweight. Like that children will not have to carry too much and still have the feeling to contribute to the hike. Remember the backpack’s deadweight. Packing a full drinking bottle can already be too heavy for the little ones. In such a case it is best for them to just carry their stuffed animal or the cereal bars in the backpack and let mom or dad take care of the rest. Five to six-year-olds can generally lift a little more. And older kids eventually will lug their provisions on their own.
It is best to leave some space in the backpack. Children tend to find fantastic treasures in nature which they might want to take home. In that way they have great memories of the hiking trip.