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Tips & Know-how

Basic outdoor knowledge - Must haves on tour during thunder storms and emergencies.
TrekkingBikingClimbingHikingOutdoor SportsWinter Sports

Basic outdoor knowledge

Being outdoors is fun but needs preparation and can also carry risks since, in the end, it is an adventure,

Couple taking a break from hiking near a mountain lake.

Hiking equipment – the basic items

When you go on a one-day hike, make sure to take the right equipment with you. Tatonka gives you an overview on how to turn your one-day hike into a great event.
Hikers with grey Tatonka backpack hiking in the mountains.

Outdoor Equipment: Maintenance and Storage

When autumn comes, your equipment needs special attention: it is high time to winterize your stressed outdoor equipment and treat

Planning a long-distance travel

Planning a long-distance travel

When the cold season starts, a lot people are bitten by the travel bug. If you are planning to go

Kinderrucksack packen - Kinder mit ihren Rucksäcken auf einer Bank während eines Wanderausflugs.

Packing a kid’s backpack

On your next hiking tour there will be children joining? Naturally the little ones want to take their own backpack

Ski touring for beginners - Ski tourer in the sunshine in the mountains.
Winter Sports

Ski touring for beginners

Ski touring is getting more and more popular. Ski enthusiasts are out and about off the slopes and ski runs

Backpacking - Preparation tips for your next long-haul trip.

Backpacking preparations

Sometimes wanderlust arrives without warning! When the longing for distant countries, foreign cultures or other climates takes over, you want

Riding techniques for mountain bikers - trainer Verena shows the way

Riding techniques for mountain bikers

Riding techniques in the shadow of Neuschwanstein Castle, or: What you can do on a mountainbike. Mountain biking is definitely

Traditional archery - Archer at dusk. Photo: Paul Barlow,pixabay.
Outdoor Sports

Traditional archery

Our colleague Stefan Roos, an enthusiastic all-round outdoor sportsman, has discovered traditional archery for himself a while ago. Today is

Tips for long-distance travel - the right equipment and clothing

Tips for your next long-distance travel

A long-distance trip means pure excitement and adventure. To ensure that your next trip to faraway countries is a relaxed