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Hardshell or softshell - What is the differnce?
HikingOutdoor SportsTrekking

Hardshell or softshell jacket?

Your outdoor jacket must defy wind and rain and yet be as soft and provide as much freedom of movement

Basic outdoor knowledge - Must haves on tour during thunder storms and emergencies.
TrekkingBikingClimbingHikingOutdoor SportsWinter Sports

Basic outdoor knowledge

Being outdoors is fun but needs preparation and can also carry risks since, in the end, it is an adventure,

Hikers with grey Tatonka backpack hiking in the mountains.

Outdoor Equipment: Maintenance and Storage

When autumn comes, your equipment needs special attention: it is high time to winterize your stressed outdoor equipment and treat

Tour equipment for beginners - When hiking or trekking, every gram in your backpack counts.

Tour equipment for beginners

When on tour, every gram matters. Being outdoors for several days, there is one rule of thumb when it comes

Hiking Stick guide: tips on the use and purchase of trekking poles.

Guide Hiking Sticks

Hiking sticks today are practically always an essential item in your trekking equipment. For some time now, they simply belong

Interview Bergverlag Rohter - Two hikers in the mountains.

Interview Bergverlag Rother

Almost everyone knows and appreciates the robust hiking guides from the publishing house Bergverlag Rother. The question is, are there

Trekkingrucksack richtig einstellen - Rückensystem richtig anpassen.

Backpack carrying systems

Cabin stays, trekking holidays, a long weekend hiking tour – outdoor activities are diverse, and so too, there are different

Outdoor clothing must be properly maintained in order to maintain its functionality.
HikingOutdoor SportsTrekking

Basic knowledge: Care of function garments

Top quality outdoor equipment is tough! Nevertheless the high level functionality can only be maintained with careful and suitable cleaning

Care of hiking boots - Four cows licking hiking boots.

Tips for the care of your hiking boots

Only a few steps help you to take care of your hiking boots so that they stay in good condition

Basiswissen Tarpaufbau - so baust du dein Tarp richtig auf.

Basic Knowledge: Erecting a tarp

Its low weight and versatile possibilities for use make the tarp an uncomplicated substitute for a tent and ideal to